Manheim Arbitration Claim

Our arbitration process outlines the next steps in order to ensure our team receives your claim and can seek a resolution for you. 

To connect with Carvana's arbitration team please email

  1. Start a claim through your Manheim account by going to your purchases and selecting the vehicle you want to arbitrate 
  2. After you file your claim, a Manheim representative will contact you to understand your needs and help resolve your claim.
  3. Use the directory below to be taken to Manheim's Arbitration policy page directly or contact their team for further communication.

Phone: 1-866-MANHEIM (626-4346)

Website: Arbitration Policy:

Submitting an inoperable unit claim? You must provide video evidence with your claim that clearly shows the vehicle was unable to be picked up due to being inoperable. If video evidence is not submitted or does not clearly show that the vehicle is now inoperable your claim will be denied. You will need to send a new transporter to provide video evidence.

-You are responsible for submitting the claim to Manheim

-Carvana Auction directing you to submit a claim shall not be construed as a guarantee of assistance

-All claims are subject to review

Carvana Auction relies on the National Auto Auction Association (NAAA) arbitration policy as the basis for investigating all claims that arise when there are questions about how a vehicle was represented during our sale. Additional details are outlined in our Marketplace Policies documentation found HERE.

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