University Park - 23619 S Cicero Ave. University Park, IL 60484

Map Confusion 56

Address: 23619 S Cicero Ave University Park, IL  60484

Pick up Hours: Monday - Friday : 7:30AM-4PM*

Saturday CLOSED                         


Chat 32

Phone: 833.289.3533



Facilities: No

Notes: "Please head to the security shack and present your BOS or Purchase Confirmation to the security team.  They will direct you through the gate to the hauler parking.  From there, you can wait in your truck until you're approached by a Carvana associate.  This associate will gather your vehicle information and pull the vehicle up to your hauler.  From there they will collect your company's information, your personal information and release the vehicle to you.  At that point, you are free to load the vehicle and exit the premises.


Once in our facility please follow the large signs for directions

Entrance view:


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